Last updated: Dec., 16, 2013

     THALASSA. Portolano of Psychoanalysis



NEWS 2008

NEWS 2009

NEWS 2010

NEWS 2011

NEWS 2012











Editorial by Laura Montani & Ambra Cusin


"Remonter aux grands-parents pour retrouver jeunesse et esprit de lutte " de Janine Altounian


"Bion and the myth" by F. Amione and A. Cusin


"Letter from Istanbul" by Bella Habip

"Un  héritage traumatique ne se met à parler que déplacé dans le temps et l’espace culturel " de J. Altounian

  L'autisme: vers une nécessaire révolution culturelle de B. Chamak & D. Cohen

Transmission du féminin dans la famille de Anne Loncan

Contemporary Controversial Discussions by Helmut Thomä

Face au négationnisme de Janine Altounian

"Return  to Dresden" by Maria Ritter


"Trauma and Resilience" by Sverre Varvin


"The lost object-the object regained" by Gerhard Schneider


"Split loyalties of third generation children of Nazi's" by H.C. Halberstadt- Freud


"Psychoanalytic Thoughts on Israel and the Siege of Gaza" by J. Deutsch


"Remembering, repeating and not working through: on the interactability of the palestinian israeli conflict" by H.-J. Wirth

"J'ai la honte" de Abram Coen


"Remémoration, traumatisme et mémoire collective - Le combat pour la emémoration en psychanalyse"  de W. Bohleber



"De quoi témoignent les mains des survivants? De l'anéantissement des vivants, de l'affirmation de la vie" de Janine Altounian

"Les cachés de la folie" de J.-P. Verot  


Balkans        *Serbia (History of Psychoanalysis in)
Eastern Europe
• EU
• Italy
Turkey, Armenia and Caucasian Rep.
Tatiana Rosenthal and Russian Psychoanalysis

 History of Russian Psychoanalysis by Larissa Sazanovitch


- Syria

 - Jordan

- Lebanon


- Egypt 



- Algeria

- Libya



Questo testo è tratto dal discorso pronunciato da J.-P. Vernant (morto il 9.01.2007) nel 1999, in occasione del 50° anniversario del Consiglio d'Europa, e che è inscritto sul ponte che collega Strasburgo a Kehl:

<<Passare un ponte, traversare un fiume, varcare una frontiera, è lasciare lo spazio intimo e familiare ove si è a casa propria per penetrare in un orizzonte differente, uno spazio estraneo, incognito, ove si rischia - confrontati a ciò che è altro - di scoprirsi senza

 "luogo proprio", senza identità. Polarità dunque dello spazio umano, fatto di un dentro e di un fuori. Questo "dentro" rassicurante, turrito, stabile, e questo "fuori" inquietante, aperto, mobile, i Greci antichi hanno espresso sotto la forma di una coppia di divinità unite e opposte: Hestia e Hermes. Hestia è la dea del focolare, nel cuore della casa. Tanto Hestia è sedentaria, vigilante sugli esseri umani e le ricchezze che protegge, altrettanto Hermes è nomade, vagabondo: passa incessantemente da un luogo all'altro, incurante delle frontiere, delle chiusure, delle barriere. Maestro degli scambi, dei contatti, è il dio delle strade ove guida il viaggiatore, quanto Hestia mette al riparo tesori nei segreti penetrali delle case.  Divinità che si oppongono, certo, e che pure sono indissociabili. E' infatti all'altare della dea, nel cuore delle dimore private e degli edifici pubblici che sono, secondo il rito, accolti, nutriti, ospitati gli stranieri venuti di lontano. Perché ci sia veramente un "dentro", bisogna che possa aprirsi su un "fuori", per accoglierlo in sé. Così ogni individuo umano deve assumere la parte di Hestia e la parte di Hermes. Tra le rive del Medesimo e dell'Altro, l'uomo è un ponte>>.






"Qu'est-ce que la Méditerranée ? Mille choses à la fois. Non pas un paysage, mais d'innombrables paysages. Non pas une mer mais une succession de mers. Non pas une civilisation, mais des civilisations entassées les unes sur les autres. "
" La Méditerranée est un très vieux carrefour. Depuis des millénaires tout a conflué vers elle, brouillant, enrichissant son histoire".

Fernand Braudel,



    english version

  version française in italiano
"THALASSA. Portolano of Psychoanalysis" is a production of "Frenis Zero" revue (Dir. Giuseppe Leo) and it would be an attempt to link psychoanalysts and psychotherapists, belonging to the Mediterranean countries. Why would we put the Mediterranean Sea at the centre of attention of psychoanalytic culture? Because it continues keeping , in spite of a time of globalisation of human, cultural and economic exchanges, a central role of hinge between West and East, between cultural patterns dramatically faced with the contemporary problem of sharing universalizable patterns of "humanitas" and civilization. Psychoanalysis, with its group and mass-psychology functioning theories, can help in understanding the anthropological transformations concerning human societies and social institutions in the contemporary world. Our preminent interest is focused on the transformations regarding the cultural "koiné" that has been historically configured as mediterranean, and, moreover,  on the way psychoanalysis can provide interpretative means to investigate them thoroughly. Linking each other  psychoanalysts who, in spite of their different professional backgrounds, share a common belonging to the same cultural milieu, means consulting those who think about such changes from a point of view in which psychoanalysis keeps a preminent role. The means to create this link  would be the traditional ones (through international congresses and colloques), but also those provided by  internet and new communication technologies. "THALASSA. Portolano of Psychoanalysis" est une production  de la revue "Frenis Zero" (Dir. Giuseppe Leo), née avec le but de mettre en réseau psychanalystes et psychothérapeutes provenants de Pays  Méditerranéens. Pourquoi voulons nous  mettre la Mer Méditerranéenne au centre de l'attention de la culture psychanalytique? Parce que celle-ci continue à tenir, bien que dans une époque de mondialisation des échanges humaines, culturels et économiques, un role central de charnière entre Occident et Orient, entre patterns culturels  dramatiquement confrontés avec la question toute contemporaine de partager de patterns universalisables de "humanitas" et de civilisation. La psychanalyse, avec ses theories du fonctionnement groupal et  des masses, peut nous aider à mieux comprendre les transformations anthropologiques concernantes les sociétés humaines et les institutions sociales dans le monde contemporain. Notre prééminent interet est concentré sur les transformations qui regardent cette koiné culturelle qui historiquement  s'est formée comme mediterraneenne , et sur le comment la psychanalyse peut donner des outils interpretatifs pour approfondir la connaissance de celles-ci. Mettre en liaison des psychanalystes qui, malgré les différentes traditions professionnelles de provenance, partagent l'appartenance au meme milieu méditerranéen,  veut dire interpeller ceux qui réfléchent sur tels changements à partir d'une perspective où la psychanalyse garde une place prééminente. Les moyens pou créer tel réseau seraient ceux traditionnels (séminaires et colloques internationaux), mais aussi innovateurs comme ceux-ci donnés par internet et les nouvelles technologies de communication.  "THALASSA. Portolano of Psychoanalysis" è una produzione  della rivista "Frenis Zero" (Dir. Giuseppe Leo), nel tentativo di mettere in rete psicoanalisti e psicoterapeuti provenienti dai paesi del Mediterraneo. Perché porre il Mediterraneo al centro dell'attenzione della cultura psicoanalitica?  Perché esso continua ad avere, pur in un'epoca di globalizzazione di scambi umani, culturali ed economici,  quel ruolo centrale di cerniera tra Occidente ed Oriente, tra patterns culturali  messi drammaticamente a confronto con la  problematica contemporanea della condivisione di modelli universalizzabili di "humanitas" e di civiltà. La psicoanalisi,  con le sue teorie sul funzionamento dei gruppi e della psicologia  delle masse, può agevolare la comprensione delle trasformazioni antropologiche  che riguardano le società umane  e le istituzioni sociali nel mondo contemporaneo. Il nostro precipuo interesse è concentrato sulle trasformazioni che hanno per oggetto quella  koiné culturale che storicamente si è configurata come 'mediterranea', e su come la psicoanalisi possa fornire strumenti interpretativi per approfondire  la conoscenza di esse. Porre in collegamento tra di loro gli psicoanalisti che, pur nella diversità delle tradizioni professionali di provenienza, condividono  l'appartenenza al medesimo milieu mediterraneo, significa interpellare coloro che riflettono su tali rivolgimenti da una prospettiva in cui la psicoanalisi mantiene un ruolo preminente. Gli strumenti per creare tale rete saranno quelli tradizionali (attraverso dei seminari e dei congressi internazionali), ma anche quelli innovativi offerti da  internet e dalle nuove tecnologie di comunicazione.





A (Aberastury-Avunculo)
B-C (Babinski-Cura)
D- E (Dador de la mujer-Ey Henri)
F- G (Fachinelli Elvio-Guilbert Yvette)
H-I (Haas Ladislav-Italia)
J-M (Jackson John- Myers F.W.H.)
N- O (Naesgaard Sigurd-Otsuki K.)
P (Pacto denegativo-Putnam)






Giuseppe Leo - psychiatrist, "Centro Psicoterapia Dinamica "Mauro Mancia" (Lecce- Italy), editor "Frenis Zero" click here

Nicole Janigro - junghian psychoanalyst (Milan- Italy).


Comité scientifique/Comitato Scientifico/Scientific Board:

Janine Altounian    - essayst, Germanist, writer (Paris- France)

René Kaes  - psychoanalyst, Professor of clinical psychology and psychopathology (Lyon- France).

Predrag Matvejevic' - essayst, Slavist, writer (Zagreb- Croatia). 





Best wishes for 2014!

Les meilleurs voeux !

Buon 2014!



  (in italiano)

Siamo lieti di comunicare che dal 2012 "Thalassa. portolano of psychoanalysis" si presenta con un nuovo comitato scientifico e con nuovi contenuti. continueremo ogni due anni a proporre dei convegni ( in cui le "id-entita' mediterranee" verranno dibattute da psicoanalisti e uomini di cultura. 





  (en français)

De l'année 2012 "Thalassa. Portolano of Psychoanalysis" se propose avec un nouveau Comité Scientifique et des nouveaux contenus. Chaque deux années nous  continuerons à proposer des colloque ( où les "Id-entités méditerranéennes" seront débattues par psychanalystes et personnes cultivées.

 Since 2012  we propose a  new "Scientific Board" and new contents.  Every two years we continue to propose congresses ( in which "Mediterranean Id-entities" are discussed by psychoanalysts and persons of high culture.


Sono usciti  nel 2013 per le nostre edizioni: 

New issues for Frenis Zero publishing house:


€ 37,00


A cura di Monica Ferri

Scritti di A. Ambrosini, A. Bimbi,  M. Ferri,               G. Gabbriellini,  A. Luperini, S. Resnik,                      S. Rodighiero,  R. Tancredi,  A. Taquini Resnik,       G. Trippi

Il libro raccoglie i testi presentati al convegno L'ascolto nella psicoterapia e nelle relazioni di aiuto, tenutosi a San Miniato (PI) nei giorni 15 e 16 giugno 2012. A quale tipo di Ascolto ci riferiamo nell’ambito della relazione terapeutica? In una prospettiva psicoanalitica l’aspetto più significativo dell’ascolto diventa comprensibile proprio nel momento in cui, nello spazio terapeutico, cominciano a dischiudersi orizzonti conoscitivi rispetto a qualcosa che, se fino a quel momento sembrava non significare niente, progressivamente permette alla coppia analista-paziente di individuare e cogliere dei significati in quell’insieme prima indistinto di messaggi rumorosi e privi di senso. Del resto, siamo costantemente immersi e sommersi in un mondo di voci e suoni, che bombardano il nostro apparato uditivo in modo così martellante che è difficile “fare silenzio” per ascoltare o distinguere ciò che è veramente importante da ciò che è solo contorno, rumore. Talvolta, però, può accadere anche il contrario, dato che noi stessi andiamo alla ricerca del frastuono assordante e indistinto per non confrontarci con la paura e l’angoscia, che sono dentro di noi.

Monica Ferri (a cura di), L'ascolto dei sensi e dei luoghi nella relazione terapeutica, Collana "Confini della Psicoanalisi",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2013, pp.156,   ISBN 978-88-97479-04-8, € 37,00.

 ORDINA Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


Se non volete acquistarlo A PREZZO SCONTATO via internet, il libro è ordinabile nelle librerie  di tutta Italia a prezzo ordinario.


Silvio G. Cusin


€ 39,00


 A cura di Ambra Cusin e Giuseppe Leo.           Prefazione di Mauro Bonetti.                        Postfazione di Salomon Resnik.

In occasione dei 90 anni compiuti nel 2012 dallo psicoanalista triestino Silvio G. Cusin, le Edizioni Frenis Zero hanno voluto raccogliere in un volume tutti i suoi scritti più significativi, che spaziano dalla tesi di laurea del 1953 agli ultimi scritti di sessanta anni dopo.

Silvio G. Cusin, Sessualità e conoscenza, a cura di Ambra Cusin e Giuseppe Leo, Collana "Biografie dell'Inconscio",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2013, pp. 476,                 ISBN978-88-97479-03-1, € 39,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

 ORDINA Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


Se non volete acquistarlo A PREZZO SCONTATO via internet, il libro è ordinabile nelle librerie  di tutta Italia a prezzo ordinario.


€ 39,00


Scritti di V. Calabrese, A. Correale, R. Herold, K. Lenard, G. Leo, S. Melgiovanni, M. A. Minafra, M. Mucci, V. Pellicani, G. Riefolo, G. Rigon, M. Sassolas, G. Scarselli, T. Tenyi, M. Trixler. 

Prefazione di Anna Ferruta.

Questo libro è il terzo volume della collana "Id-entità mediterranee" delle Edizioni Frenis Zero. Il volume, curato da Giuseppe Riefolo e da Giuseppe Leo, raccoglie gli interventi (Leo, Riefolo, Minafra, Scarselli, Calabrese, Pellicani) presentati all'omonimo convegno tenutosi a Lecce il 12 maggio 2012, ed in più altri contributi di eminenti psicoanalisti come Correale, Sassolas, Rigon, Mucci ed altri. La prefazione è di Anna Ferruta. Quattro sono le sezioni del libro: Psicosi, psicoanalisi e riabilitazione; Psicoanalisi e riabilitazione in età evolutiva; Comunità terapeutiche e psicoanalisi; Esperienze dai servizi psichiatrici.

 Giuseppe Leo e Giuseppe Riefolo (a cura di), Psicoanalisi e luoghi della riabilitazione, Collana "Id-entità mediterranee",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2013, pp. 426, ISBN 978-88-903710-9-7, € 39,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


 Se non volete acquistarlo A PREZZO SCONTATO via internet, il libro è ordinabile nelle librerie  di tutta Italia a prezzo ordinario.





E' uscito il libro 


a cura di Rosetta Bolletti

Editore/Publisher: Edizioni Frenis Zero

Collana: Cordoglio e pregiudizio

Anno/Year: 2012

Writings by: J. Altounian, S. Amati Sas, A. Arslan, R. Bolletti, P. De Silvestris, M. Morello, A. Sabatini Scalmati

ISBN: 978-88-903710-7-3

Pages: 136

Price/Prezzo: € 23,00

Presentazione: Questo libro raccoglie una serie di scritti ispirati dall'opera di Antonia Arslan "La masseria delle allodole" e che furono presentati in un congresso internazionale a Padova nel 2007. Dopo il testo di presentazione di Marilena Morello e la prefazione della curatrice, Rosetta Bolletti, Antonia Arslan nel suo capitolo illustra come è nato il romanzo "La masseria delle allodole" e quanto sia stato faticoso nella trasmissione trans-generazionale della propria famiglia recuperare la memoria del genocidio armeno. Seguono i capitoli scritti da Janine Altounian, da Silvia Amati Sas, da Pia De Silvestris e da Anna Sabatini Scalmati, ognuno di essi teso a sviluppare un tema del romanzo in un'ottica di riflessione psicoanalitica.

Per ordinarlo cliccare su oppure su oppure su amazon.comSe non volete acquistarlo via internet, il libro è distribuito nelle librerie FELTRINELLI di tutta



Click here to order the book





Informazioni Bibliografiche:

Autori: A. Cusin, J. Kristeva, A. Loncan, S. Marino, B. Massimilla, L. Montani, A. Nunziante Cesaro, S. Parrello, M. Sommantico, G. Stanziano, L. Tarantini, A. Zurolo.

Curatori: L. Montani e G. Leo

Titolo: Lo spazio velato. Femminile e discorso psicoanalitico

Collana: Confini della psicoanalisi

Anno di pubblicazione: 2012

Editore: Edizioni Frenis Zero

Luogo di pubblicazione: Lecce

ISBN: 978-88-903710-6-6

Pagine: 382

Prezzo: € 39,00


Il libro, nato dallo "Spazio Rosenthal", uno spazio curato da Laura Montani sulla rivista di psicoanalisi Frenis Zero, propone contributi di riflessione psicoanalitica sul femminile. Il libro, dopo la prefazione di Laura Montani, si divide in cinque sezioni. La sezione LA TRASMISSIONE DEL FEMMINILE comprende i contributi di Anne Loncan, di Simona Marino, di Adele Nunziante Cesaro e di Giuseppe Stanziano, e di Anna Zurolo. La sezione IL DESIDERIO FEMMINILE NEL DISCORSO PSICOANALITICO annovera due testi di Laura Montani. La sezione MATERNITA' E FEMMINILE comprende i testi di Julia Kristeva, Barbara Massimilla, Santa Parrello, e Massimiliano Sommantico. La sezione CINEMA E FEMMINILE raccoglie un contributo di Laura Montani ed un'intervista di Barbara Massimilla a Francesca Comencini. Infine, la sezione TRAUMI SOCIALI E FEMMINILE raccoglie due testi di Ambra Cusin e di Lidia Tarantini.



 New book of the "Edizioni frenis zero"    We  are glad to announce the issue of the last book (in English) published by Edizioni Frenis Zero "PSYCHOANALYSIS AND ITS BORDERS".

Photo: a photogram of the video presenting the book 
Editor: Giuseppe Leo   Writings by: J. Altounian, P. Fonagy, G.O. Gabbard, J.S. Grotstein, R.D. Hinshelwood, J.P. Jimenez, O.F. Kernberg,  S. Resnik.

Editore/Publisher: Edizioni Frenis Zero  Pages: 348

ISBN 978-88-974790-2-4 Price: € 19,00

Anno/Year: 2012      To  order the book "PSYCHOANALYSIS AND ITS BORDERS"  link to:                                                  

   Click Here to Read: Psychoanalysis and its Borders. Reviewed by Ambra Cusin (on January, 2010).






Pubblicazione delle Edizioni Frenis Zero:

"PSICOANALISI E LUOGHI DELLA NEGAZIONE"  a cura di Ambra Cusin e Giuseppe Leo

Psicoanalisi e luoghi della negazione 

Scritti di J. Altounian, S. Amati Sas, M.  e M. Avakian, W.  A. Cusin,  N. Janigro, G. Leo, B. E. Litowitz, S. Resnik, A. Sabatini  Scalmati,  G.  Schneider,  M. Šebek, F. Sironi, L. Tarantini.

(Collana "Id-entità mediterranee", Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2011, pagg. 400, ISBN 978-88-903710-4-2, € 38,00)


Per ordinare il libro via internet: clicca su oppure clicca su  Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu. oppure su oppure su

 Se non volete acquistarlo via internet, il libro     è distribuito nelle librerie FELTRINELLI di tutta Italia  ( )


Un'anteprima limitata del libro è visualizzabile su 


Book of the "Edizioni frenis zero".    We  are glad to announce the issue of the last book (in Italian) published by Edizioni Frenis Zero: “PSICOANALISI E LUOGHI DELLA NEGAZIONE”, A. Cusin & G. Leo (ed.), writings by J. Altounian, S. Amati Sas, M. & M. Avakian, A. Cusin, N. Janigro, G. Leo, B.E. Litowitz, S. Resnik, A. Sabatini Scalmati, G. Schneider, M.  Šebek, F. Sironi, L. Tarantini, pp. 400, € 38,00.

Les Editions Frenis Zero annoncent la publication du livre (en italien):


AA.VV. PSICOANALISI E LUOGHI DELLA NEGAZIONE, édité par Ambra Cusin et Giuseppe Leo.

Préface:Ambra Cusin

Ecrits par : J. Altounian, S. Amati Sas, M. & M. Avakian,  A. Cusin,  N. Janigro,  G. Leo, B. E. Litowitz, S. Resnik, A. Sabatini Scalmati, G. Schneider, M. Šebek, F. Sironi, L. Tarantini, pp. 400, € 38,00.


E' uscito il libro "ID-ENTITA' MEDITERRANEE. Psicoanalisi e luoghi della memoria", a cura di Giuseppe Leo  (Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce, 2010).
Segnalazione dell'uscita di libro delle Edizioni Frenis Zero:


a cura di Giuseppe Leo

Scritti di J. Altounian, S. Amati Sas, M. Avakian, W. Bohleber, M. Breccia,  A. Coen, A. Cusin, G. Dana,  J. Deutsch, S. Fizzarotti Selvaggi, Y. Gampel, H. Halberstadt-Freud, N. Janigro, R. Kaës, G. Leo, M. Maisetti,  F. Mazzei, M. Ritter, C. Trono, S. Varvin, H.-J. Wirth.

Questo libro raccoglie scritti di psicoanalisti (italiani e stranieri), ma anche di personalità della cultura sul tema dei luoghi della memoria collettiva nel Mediterraneo e dei loro rapporti con i traumi sociali e la loro trasmissione transgenerazionale dal punto di vista della riflessione psicoanalitica. 

Giuseppe Leo (a cura di), Id-entità mediterranee. Psicoanalisi e luoghi della memoria, Collana Id-entità mediterranee, Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce, 2010, pagg. 520, ISBN 978-88-903710-2-8, € 41,00.

Per ordinare il libro: clicca su  oppure clicca suSupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Se non volete acquistarlo via internet, il libro     è distribuito nelle librerie FELTRINELLI di tutta Italia          ( )     


Book of the "Edizioni frenis zero"    We  are glad to announce the issue of the last book (in Italian) published by Edizioni Frenis Zero: “ID-ENTITA’ MEDITERRANEE. PSICOANALISI E LUOGHI DELLA MEMORIA”, G. Leo (ed.), writings by J. Altounian, S. Amati Sas, M. Avakian, W. Bohleber, M. Breccia, A. Coen, A. Cusin, G. Dana, J. Deutsch, S. Fizzarotti Selvaggi, Y. Gampel, H. Halberstadt-Freud, N. Janigro, R. Kaës, G. Leo, M. Maisetti, F. Mazzei, M. Ritter, C. Trono, S. Varvin e H.-J. Wirth., pp. 520, € 41,00.








Editorial by Laura Felici Montani & Ambra Cusin about the last number of Frenis Zero journal (n.21, XI, JANUARY 2014): "FEMALE ANALYSTS IN MEDITERRANEAN SCENARIOS: CIVIL RIGHTS AND PSYCHOANALYTIC REFLECTION".

click here to read the article



de Janine Altounian 

cliquez ici pour lire l'article



The 15th International

Neuropsychoanalysis Congress






New York, 24-27 July 2014

CONGRESS: July, 24-27

Fifteen years have passed since the inaugural issue of the journal Neuropsychoanalysis was published in 1999; that same year, Eric Kandel published his landmark paper ‘A new intellectual framework for psychiatry’ in the American Journal of Psychiatry.  A few months later, the 1st International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress was held at the Royal College of Surgeons in London.  Next summer, at the 15th International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress, to be held next July 24-27 in New York City, we will take stock of the progress we have made since 1999. Under the theme ‘Current Neuropsychoanalytic Research’ we will consider the state of the art of our field, and our efforts to forge a new intellectual framework in the 21st century, not only for psychiatry but for the mental sciences in general.

Submissions are invited for scientific research papers on any topic relevant to the interdisciplinary field of neuropsychoanalysis, both clinical and experimental, the only requirement being that the work involves both neuroscientific and psychoanalytic observations and theory.  Submissions of symposia on relevant topics are also welcome, as are poster presentations.

All Abstracts should contain the following information:

Names of all authors, with institutional affiliations and credentials (e.g., M.A., Ph.D., M.D.)
Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions (250 words maximum, not including title and author information)

For symposia (duration 2 hours): Symposia should have either 4 presenters, or 3 presenters and one discussant. Submissions should include abstracts for each presentation, structured as above.  In addition, the submission should include a brief overall summary of the focus of the symposium (400 words maximum) and a brief bio of each speaker (3-4 lines of text).

Abstracts are due by 1 February. Please submit your abstracts by clicking here; you will receive a receipt and a reference number, and notification of acceptance status will be made by early April.

For more information, please contact Paula at or visit the congress page at

Happy New Year!



New article: "BION AND THE MYTH" by A. Cusin & F. Amione

click here to read the article


New article: "LETTER FROM ISTANBUL" by bella Habip

click here to read the article


(source: N-PSA newsletter)



The Arnold Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis
at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute
presents on 

Saturday, April 6, 2013 at 10:00 am



Director, Contemplative Science Lab, Psychology Dept, NYU



Human experiences can be broadly divided into those that are external and related to interaction with the environment, and experiences that are internal and self-related. The cerebral cortex likewise appears to be divided into two corresponding systems: an "extrinsic" system composed of brain areas that respond more to external stimuli and tasks and an "intrinsic" system composed of brain areas that respond less to external stimuli and tasks. These two broad brain systems seem to compete with each other, such that their activity levels over time is usually anti-correlated, even when subjects are "at rest" and not performing any task.

Asian contemplative philosophies, going back to at least fourth century CE, and perhaps much earlier, have described the structuring of human experience along the subject- object dichotomy, accompanied by a competition between internally and externally related mental processes. According to this idea, it might be possible to use meditation to voluntarily alter this fragmentation. Our results suggest that practicing different forms of meditation can alter the anti-correlation between these networks and that their relationship can be modulated in either direction through the choice of a cognitive strategy. The results support the intuitive, but speculative, idea that the typical anti- correlation between the extrinsic and intrinsic systems might reflect the duality of external and internal experiences, and that nondual awareness meditation enables an atypical state of mind in which extrinsic and intrinsic experiences are increasingly synergistic rather than competing.

Moderator: Maggie Zellner, Ph.D.

New York Auditorium, New York Psychoanalytic Institute,
247 East 82nd Street, (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues)




Le journal et les éditions psychanalytiques Frenis Zero viennent de produire un vidéo dédié à Daniel Stern, "The Fourth  Sex", avec la collaboration de Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet et de Alain Braconnier. Il s'agit d'un vidéo tourné en 2003 (pendant une exposition ayante le même titre à Florence) complété d'un commentaire audio en 2013 avec trois "maîtres" de la psychanalyse de l'adolescence. Le vidéo est divisé en trois parties: "L'adolescence et l'impact des transformations sociales et familiales" (G. Pietropolli Charmet, en italien), "Psychopathologie de l'adolescence et fonctionnement borderline" (A. Braconnier, en français), et "Le lieu des arts en adolescence"  (Daniel Stern, en anglais).  

La maison d'édition Frenis Zero publiera également un livre "Psychanalyse et lieux de la réhabilitation", dédié à la mémoire de Daniel Stern.




 (source: newsletter ) 

Qu’est-ce que la psychopathologie ? Intégration ou complémentarisme

  • 5 avril 2013
  • Amphithéâtre Farabeuf. 21, rue de l'École de Médecine, Paris (France)

L’objectif de ce colloque est d’interroger le concept de psychopathologie à partir de différents horizons épistémologiques. Les intervenants et discutants des cas cliniques se réfèreront donc à des corpus théorico-cliniques variés.


8 h 45-9 h 15

Ouverture: Graziella Fava-Vizziello, Bernard Golse, Alain Braconnier
Pourquoi ce colloque ?

9 h 15-10 h 30

Daniel Widlöcher
Histoire et définition du concept de psychopathologie
Modérateur : Roland Gori

10 h 30-11 h

Sylvain Missonnier
Approche intégrative/complémentarisme

11 h-11 h 30


11 h 30-12 h 15

1er cas clinique : Un cas de conversion de l’enfant
présenté par Élise Tordjman

12 h 15-13 h

Discussion selon trois axes : Bertrand Cramer (psychanalyse), Isabelle Desguerre (neuropédiatrie), Emélie Tarjus (approche systémique)
Modérateur : Jean Chambry

13 h-14 h 30


14 h 30-15 h 15

2e cas clinique : Un cas de TED/NOS présenté par Marie Touati‐Pellegrin

15 h 15-16 h

Discussion selon 3 axes : Jean‐Marc Baleyte (neuropsychologie‐cognition), Jacques Angelergues (psychanalyse), David Cohen (développement)
Modérateur : Bernard Golse

16 h-17 h

Lisa Ouss, Olivier Bonnot, Mario Speranza, Jacques Dayan


  • Jacques Angelergues, pédopsychiatre, psychanalyste
  • Jean-Marc Baleyte, pédopsychiatre
  • Olivier Bonnot, pédopsychiatre
  • Alain Braconnier, psychiatre, psychanalyste
  • Jean Chambry, pédopsychiatre
  • David Cohen, pédopsychiatre
  • Bertrand Cramer, pédopsychiatre, psychanalyste
  • Jacques Dayan, pédopsychiatre
  • Isabelle Desguerre, neuropédiatre
  • Bernard Golse, pédopsychiatre, psychanalyste
  • Graziella Fava-Vizziello, pédopsychiatre
  • Roland Gori, psychologue, psychanalyste
  • Sylvain Missonnier, psychologue, psychanalyste
  • Lisa Ouss, pédopsychiatre
  • Mario Speranza, pédopsychiatre
  • Emélie Tarjus, psychologue
  • Elise Tordjman, pédopsychiatre
  • Marie Toual-Pellegrin, pédopsychiatre

Organisation du colloque et renseignements

Frais de participation

  • Individuelle : 50 €
  • Étudiants et demandeurs d’emploi : 10 € (joindre copie du justificatif)

Le bulletin d’inscription doit être accompagné du chèque de règlement correspondant, libellé à l’ordre de l’AEPEA-France. Sauf avis contraire du participant, l’inscription à ce colloque donne droit à l’adhésion à l’AEPEA-France pour l’année 2013.

Amphithéâtre Farabeuf, 21 rue de l'École de Médecine, 75006 Paris (bus 63, 86, 87, 96, métro lignes 4 et 10, Odéon).

Pour ne plus recevoir notre lettre d’information, suivez ce lien...
En cas de changement d’email, vous devez vous désabonner puis vous réabonner via notre site,



BnF, Mercredi 27 mars 2013, de 14h30 à 18h30 

Pulsions du temps. Rencontre avec Julia Kristeva

Avec Irina Bokova, Alain Braconnier, Michael Wood, Jacqueline Rose, Laure Adler, Axel Kahn, Pierre Nora, Christine Rousseau, Marian Hobson, Jacqueline Risset, Antoine Compagnon, Lawrence D. Kritzman et Laurent Mazas

Lectures par Emmanuelle Riva





Le corps, source et espace potentiel de l’existence individuelle, est tout à la fois la part la plus intime, la plus exposée, et la moins contrôlable de ce qui constitue l’identité personnelle. Entre le corps biologique, soumis aux lois qui gouvernent le vivant, le corps psychique, maître et outil du devenir soi, et le corps social, objet des passions humaines, des interactions complexes s’établissent qui dessinent les lignes mouvantes du normal et du pathologique, de la santé et de la maladie, du plaisir et de la douleur, de l’amour et de la haine, de la liberté et de l’aliénation, de la vie et de la mort.

Le corps, en tant que concept limite entre somatique et psychique, ne se laisse enfermer dans aucune de ces dialectiques. La difficulté de penser et surtout d’articuler ses différentes dimensions, entre organe, image et sensation, rend peut-être compte de la relative discrétion du corps dans les réflexions pluridisciplinaires.
Le corps du bébé, de l’enfant, de l’adolescent, incarne les enjeux des processus de développement psychomoteur, de construction identitaire, d’intégration de la psychosexualité, d’appropriation sociale ; ce corps se trouve ainsi profondément, et diversement, affecté : fondamentalement, en ce que les « affects », émotions et sentiments, naissent dans sa sensibilité, en même temps qu’il est investi dans l’affection, par nature ambivalente et angoissée, des parents ; nécessairement, car c’est avec ce corps que se joue l’aventure de la vie, que se constitue l’expérience des déceptions et des succès, petits et grands, ce qu’on appelle grandir ; accidentellement, chaque fois que ses anomalies, ses dysfonctionnements, ses défaillances, ses blessures, ses maladies, en un mot ses « affections », et les soins dont elles sont l’objet, inscrivent leur marque dans les rapports de l’enfant à son corps, à autrui et aux institutions sociales.

C’est le défi que voudrait relever ce congrès, que de confronter ce corps polymorphe, du bébé, de l’enfant, de l’adolescent, à la diversité des pratiques de soin, de la préoccupation maternelle à la chirurgie invasive, de la psychothérapie psychanalytique aux interventions institutionnelles ... Nous souhaitons porter une attention toute particulière à la manière dont les vécus des adultes, parents, infirmiers, psychothérapeutes, pédiatres, chirurgiens, enseignants, … reflètent les enjeux qu’expriment les langages du corps et permettent d’en favoriser l’issue.

À côté d’une réflexion sur les pratiques de soins, les questions de formation des professionnels mais aussi le rôle des associations d’aide et de parents retiendront également notre attention


Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site du 7ème congrès de l'AEPEA 

  • Pièces jointes 




(source: IPA newsletter)


Passion & Prohibition: A New Look At Old Tales From Oedipus To Cinderella with Professor Maria Tatar and Dr. Nancy Kulish hosted by Western New England Psychoanalytic Society

Posted March 10th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements

Click Here to Read:  Poster for Passion and Prohibition:  A New Look At Old Tales from Oedipus to Cinderella with Professor Maria Tatar and Dr.  Nancy Kulish at the Yale Child Study Center on April 20th, 2013.

Click Here to Read:   Brochure and Registration form for this conference.

From separate yet similar disciplinary perspectives, Professor Tatar & Dr. Kulish will deconstruct the subversive, forbidden, and gendered elements of passion in fairy tales, fairy tale films and psychoanalytic theory and practice.

Same sex marriage, Newtown, Lincoln, Freud & Mussolini from Sasha Rolde on

Posted March 10th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements

Dear colleagues:

this has been yet another “stormy” week, weather wise and politically wise, especially in APsaA I write you with a 2 foot blanket of snow outside my window and it seems only apt to be reading the wonderful material on the international website. As always, many of the posts reflect the climate.

My suggestions this week include:

1) The Impact of Learning Disorders and ADD on Psychological Development*** with Josephine Wright, M.D. at NYPSI may be the most Read the rest of this post »

“Dialogues on…the Impact of Learning Disorders and ADD on Psychological Development” with Josephine Wright, M.D. at NYPSI

Posted March 8th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
8:00 pm – 9:15 pm


“Dialogues on…the Impact of Learning Disorders and ADD on Psychological Development” with Josephine Wright, M.D. Read the rest of this post »

NPAP Open House

Posted March 5th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements

Click Here to Read:  Flyer for  NPAP Open House on April 21, 2013 at NPAP, 40 West 13th Street.

Symposium 2013: Envy and Jealousy

Posted February 3rd, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements
Click Here for:  Description of Symposium 2013, to be held on April 6 at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Astoria and to register online at

Register Now with a 10% Discount at the prebrochure mailing rate!

Click Here to Read: The Symposium 2013 Brochure

Donations to

Posted January 9th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements has flourished in a remarkable way since it was launched in January 2007. It has become both an archive and a news source.

One of the serendipitous outgrowths of its presence and has been that we have even more reasons to experience ourselves as a community with a history, elders, anniversaries, anecdotes, a paper trail, photos and relics of our founders — and evidence of our on-going growth and adaptation to a very changed therapeutic world.

But the growth has outpaced the cottage and one computer.

Are you able to contribute to the cost of our widening scope?

We will use contributions to to scan and transcribe papers, search archives, find photographs format documents and upload recordings and videos. It is labor intensive and for me a labor of love [but for the helpers, indeed, work]. Read the rest of this post »

Psychological Birth and Infant Development Symposium in Pribor, Czech Republic

Posted December 31st, 2012 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements

A symposium in Sigmund Freud’s birthplace, Příbor, Czech Republic, following the IPA Congress in Prague, August, 2013. Sunday Evening, August 4, 2013: welcome reception and cultural program.Monday, August 5, 2013: full day symposium.

Click Here to Read: Flyer for the Conference

Click Here to Read: Article on the Conference

Click Here to:  Learn more and register at our website:


When Exercise Stresses You Out

Posted March 13th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Science News


Click Here to Read: When Exercise Stresses You Out By Gretchen Reynolds  in The New York Times on March 13, 2013.

Children at Every Stage:Healthy Eating or Eating Disorders? Susan P. Sherkow, M.D at NYPSI

Posted March 13th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 8 – 9:15 p.m.
Children at Every Stage:Healthy Eating or Eating Disorders?
Susan P. Sherkow, M.D. Read the rest of this post »

Dialogues on…Children’s Concepts about Death and Dying” with Patricia Nachman, Ph.D. at NYPSI

Posted March 13th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 8 – 9:15 p.m.

Children at Every Stage:Healthy Eating or Eating Disorders?

Susan P. Sherkow, M.D. Read the rest of this post »

The Weimar Touch

Posted March 13th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Uncategorized

Click Here to Read:   “The Weimar Touch”: An interview with Rainer Rother, director of the 2013 Berlin film festival’s retrospective By Stefan Steinberg and Berndt Reinhardt on The World Socialist Web Site on March 2, 2013.

Rainer Rother

Children shot at, tortured and raped in Syria, report says

Posted March 13th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: General News

Click Here To Read: Children shot at, tortured and raped in Syria, report says on NBC World News Website.

Mothers fight for autism coverage

Posted March 13th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: General News

Click Here to Read: Mothers fight for autism coverage By Caleb Hellerman on the CNN website on March 12, 2013.


Shared Therapy with Charles A. Murkofsky at NYPSI

Posted March 13th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements

Extension Program
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

Charles A. Murkofsky, M.D.
Tuesdays, 7:30 – 8:45 pm, March 19, April 2, & 9, 2013, 3 sessions, Fee: $60 Read the rest of this post »

Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. in Conversation with . . . Gary Shteyngart at NYPSI

Posted March 13th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Uncategorized

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Friday, April 19, 2013, 7:30 pm, $25 for general admission, $15 for NYPSI members, $10 for NYPSI trainees and students with valid ID

Tkts & info: under Events and Lectures

Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. in Conversation with . . . Gary Shteyngart Read the rest of this post »

IFPE Conference on Transience and Permanence

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements

Click Here to Read:   IFPE Conference on Transience and Permanence on in Philadelphia, PA on October 31 to November 2, 2013.  Arnold Richards will be receiving the Hans H. Loewald Memorial Award.

Mental Illness and Vulnerability

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: General News

Click Here to Read:   Mental Illness and Vulnerability By Nicholas Bakacalar in The New York Times on March 11, 2013

A Firm Grasp on Comfort

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: General News

Click Here to Read: A Firm Grasp on Comfort By Perri Klass, M.D. in The New York Times on March 11, 2013.

Exercise May Help Protect Children From Stress

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: General News

Click Here to Read:   Exercise May Help Protect Children From Stress By Jan Hoffman in The New York Times on March 8, 2013.

Open Houses at AIP

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Announcements

329 East 62nd Street New York, NY 10065
(212) 838-8044

The second oldest Psychoanalytic Institute in New York City, Established in 1941
We invite you to meet our Faculty and Students at our


Wednesday, March 20, 2013 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Analysts at Work: Enactments Read the rest of this post »

2 Afghan Sisters, Swept Up in a Suicide Wave

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: General News

Click Here to Read: 2 Afghan Sisters, Swept Up in a Suicide Wave By Azam Ahmed in The New York Times n March 11, 2013.

In India, Heated Debate Over Teens and Sex

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: General News

Click Here to Read: In India, Heated Debate Over Teens and Sex By Niararika Mandhana in The New York Times on March 12, 2013.


It’s All in the Timing by David Ives, Reviewed by Fred Sander

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Plays

 “It’s all in the Timing” by David Ives

Primary Stages  59 E 59 Theater
Saturday April 13 2pm
at the Baryshnikov Arts Center
450 West 37th St.
Call Fred Sander to reserve your ticket(s).
212 534 8150

 Click Here to Read:  Review of : “It’s all in the Timing” by David Ives,  A review by Fred Sander (March 10, 2013).


The Stigma of Mental Illness

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: General News

Click Here to Read:  The Stigma of Mental Illness: 3 Ways To Improve The New AP Stylebook Entry by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on March 11, 2013.

Defining Bullying Down

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: General News

Click Here to Read:  Defining Bullying Down By Emily Bazelon in The New York Times on March 11, 2013.

Click Here to Read:  Effects of Bullying Last Into Adulthood, Study Finds on this website.

Click Here to Read: How (Not) To Stop a Bully on this website.

China’s House of Cards

Posted March 12th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Business and Finance, China
Click Here To Read:  China’s House of Cards on the Atlantic Mobile website on March 11, 2013.

Psychoanalysis and Sociology

Posted March 11th, 2013 by Tamar Schwartz
Categories: Books

Click Here to Read:  Psychoanalysis and Sociology by Erich Fromm on the Scrib’d website.

Erich Fromm




(Source: Webmestre Psynem newsletter)

Paris, le samedi 12 janvier 2013

1/ Conférence/Soirée avec Rosa Mascaró le jeudi 17 janvier 2013 à Paris à 21h.

Le Dr Rosa Mascaró est Directrice de l’Espace Serge Lebovici à Lille.
Elle interviendra sur le thème suivant : « Bébés en souffrance, de l’observation aux soins », et illustrera son propos à partir du film produit par « Jeune Enfance Nord » : « Bébés en souffrance ». Sylvia Zornig, Professeur de Psychologie à l'Université Pontificale Catholique de Rio de Janeiro et psychanalyste sera discutante.
Lieu : Association du Quartier Notre-Dame des Champs, 92bis bd du Montparnasse, 75014 Paris (métro Vavin, ligne 14)
Gratuits pour les membres à jour de leur cotisation 2013, 15 € pour les non-membres.

2/ Réunion du groupe de travail « Résidence alternée »

Mercredi 23 janvier 2013 à 18h salle du conseil à l'institut de Psychologie de Boulogne

3/ Journées des 20-21-22 juin 2013 à Besançon

La « journée en province » cette année a lieu à Besançon, les 20, 21 et 22 juin 2013, du jeudi 20 à 13h au samedi 22 à 13h (avec la fête de la Musique le vendredi soir) autour du « Bébé et sa famille »
En fait, plutôt des journées internationales :

Miri Keren, l’actuelle présidente de la WAIMH mondiale viendra nous parler des différents niveaux de prise en charge familiale (elle utilise notamment la CIB, un outil de cotation des interactions triadiques)
Pascual Palau, de Valencia, a été formé côté psychosomatique, il est président de la Waimh Espagne (et responsable d’un master périnatalité à visée internationale)
Elisabeth Fivaz et Nicolas Favez, nos voisins suisses, qui développent depuis plusieurs années avec le LTP un outil mesurant les interactions familiales (triadique).
Et en plus, en prime, de France :
Didier Houzel qui a accepté de venir et nous parlera de la bisexualité psychique, des enveloppes du bébé et de la transmission,
sans compter Pierre Delion qui aura un temps pour envisager le bébé, sa famille et les soignants.
Tout un programme donc, avec une série de symposium, d’ateliers :
un APPEL à COMMUNICATION est maintenant lancé à chacun d’entre vous : vous trouverez l’appel à communication sur le lien suivant :
La date limite pour soumettre une communication est le 31 janvier 2013.

Toutes les informations sur le colloque se trouvent sur le lien suivant :
Cette thématique fait suite à celle du « groupe » et tente d’envisager les mutations familiales qui ne sont sans impact sur le bébé, notamment du côté d’une « nouvelle solitude familiale » des parents. Un problème qui se répercute sur la place que nous avons, nous les professionnels, auprès d’eux.
Venez nombreux, parlez-en autour de vous, ces journées sont un nouveau pari de la vivacité de la Waimh francophone pour être là où les problèmes se posent ! et vous verrez le centre ville est très agréable avec une université plus que centenaire, au pays de Proudhon et du socialisme utopique.
Colloque BB Besançon 2013 (contact : Aline BAVEREL Tél. : 03 81 66 51 57,

4/ Journée nationale parisienne de la WAIMH francophone « Résidence Alternée » du vendredi 4 octobre 2013

Nous nous réjouissons de vous retrouver à l’occasion de ces manifestations.
Bien amicalement,

Sylvain Missonnier, Pierre Delion et Anaïs Mechali


(source: ipa NEWSLETTER)

Body image, guns, mental health leads to wealth (?) & more from Sasha Rolde on

Dear Colleagues,

The International Psychoanalytic website is not affected by the flu, rain, snow, meetings, new CPT codes, but its messenger to you (and I suspect some of you as well) is, so I apologize for being a little late in getting this post to you today.
Before I begin, please note that, in case there was any confusion as to the date, the “Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. in Conversation with Dennis Wedlick at NYPSI” will take place on Feb.8, 2013.

As usual I will list my choices followed by the entire menu:

1) Please stop at the IPBooks table at the APsaA meeting at in NYC next week.
Click Here to Read: The Announcement about IPBooks at ApsaA

2) Nathan Szajnberg’s paper on Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves is intriguing and I would urge you to read and comment!
Click Here to Read This Article

3) Did you know that they can now prove that psychological well being in adolescents and young adults leads to higher income levels? Could we have told them so? Please read Todd Essig’s article in Forbes.
Click Here to Read This Article

4) In the GENERAL NEWS you might look at two especially psychoanalytically/philosophically/sociologically thought provoking posts

1) on helplessness and
Click Here to Read This Article on Helplessness

2) “Das Unbehagen” ( as take on Freud’s Civilization and its Discontents)
Click Here to Read This Article on Unbehagen

5) ..and then there are all those post about weight – being too thin, being bullied by parents, body image ideal weight?
Click Here to Read This Article about parents and weight
Click Here to Read This Article on the Obseity Paradox

6) David Walsh, Selma Duckler, Paul Byrnes, Anita Weinreb Katz and Michael Cieply wrote stellar movie reviews, all worth reading.

Click Here to Read This Movie Review by David Walsh:
Click Here to Read This Movie Review by Selma Ducker
Click Here to Read This Movie Review by Paul Byrnes
Click Here to Read This Movie Review by Anita Katz on Lust, Caution
Click Here to Read This Movie Review by Anita Katz on Le Ceremonie/
Click Here to Read This Movie Review by Michael Cieply

7) It is always a pleasure to read about Jim Hall and his phenomenal musical talent and performance.
Click Here to Read This Article

A. In the ANNOUNCEMENTS Category:

I. APsaA Meeting Specials from IPBooks

APsaA Meeting Specials from IPBooks

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

II. Developing a Psychic Skin: Implications of Infant Observation Research for Clinical Care Brian Feldman at CPR

Brian Feldman, PhD
Sunday, February 3, 2013 | 8:15 AM *** 4:30 PM

Hosted by the George Washington University Medical Center
Department of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences
The George Washington University Hospital *** Hospital Auditorium***..

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

III. Psychosomatic Psychopathology with Muriel Gold Morris at NYPSI
Extension Program
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY 10028

PSYCHOSOMATIC PATHOLOGY:Theory & Practice for Analysts & Therapists Muriel Gold Morris, M.D.

Thursdays, 7:45 *** 9:15 pm, January 24 *** March 14, 2013, (8 Sessions), Fee $200
Course Meets at Dr. Morris*** Office: 49 East 96 St., Apt. 19B (corner of Madison Ave.)

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

IV. Knowledge as Fact and Knowledge as Experience: Freud***s Constructions in Analysis with David Bell, M.D. at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Thursday, January 24, 2013, 8:15 *** 10:00 PM, Donations accepted
Knowledge as Fact and Knowledge as Experience: Freud***s Constructions in Analysis by David Bell, M.D. ***.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________
V. Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. in Conversation with Dennis Wedlick at NYPSI
Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Friday, February 8, 2013, 7:30 pm, $25 for general admission, $15 for NYPSI members
$10 for NYPSI trainees and students with valid ID

Lois Oppenheim, Ph.D. in Conversation with . . . Dennis Wedlick

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

VI. Marco Conci on Sullivan Revisited at The New School

Marco Conci will present his book Sullivan Revisited *** Life and Work, followed by a conversation with discussants Darlene Ehrenberg and Adrienne Harris on January 17, 2013 7:30- 9:30 at The New School for Social Research.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

VII. AAPCSW: ***Under One Tent*** Conference

An intellectually stimulating and collegially rewarding conference is planned in Durham, NC. The program is varied on topics such as diversity, social justice, child/adolescent treatment, practice and theory, research, trauma, and more. Click below to view the announcement and a link to the site for detailed program information, and to register.

The deadline for the hotel discount is February 13, 2013.

Be in touch if you have any questions. We would like to meet you ***Under One Tent****** in March 2013.

To Download Full Program and Register Directly at:

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

VIII. Psychoanalytic Fellowship Program at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia (PCOP) has been accepted by Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I am pleased to announce that the Psychoanalytic Fellowship Program at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia (PCOP) has been accepted by Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation

( as a nomination for the inaugural Scattergood Innovation Award. The prize for the winning innovation is $25,000. The selection process for the award will take place over the next few months and I am going to need your support for our nomination. The ***

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

IX. Donations to has flourished in a remarkable way since it was launched in January 2007. It has become both an archive and a news source.

One of the serendipitous outgrowths of its presence and has been that we have even more reasons to experience ourselves as a community with a history, elders, anniversaries, anecdotes, a paper trail, photos and relics of our founders *** and evidence of our on-going growth and adaptation to a very changed therapeutic world.

But the growth has outpaced the cottage and one computer.

Are you able to contribute to the cost of our widening scope?
We will use contributions to to scan and transcribe papers, search archives, find photographs format documents and upload recordings and videos. It is labor intensive and for me a labor of love [but for the helpers, indeed, work].

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

X. A screening of Hitchcock***s Rear Window followed by a psychoanalytic discussion with Peter Dunn, M.D. at NYPSI

Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium
247 East 82nd St., between 2nd & 3rd, NY, NY, 10028

Friday, January 11, 2013, 7 pm, $10 Suggested Donation

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XI. Psychoanalysis, Analytic Institutes, an the Influence of European Unconscious with Jonathan Sklar at AIP

Established in 1941
329 East 62nd Street *** New York, NY 10065
(212) 838-8044 *** ***
********************************************************************* Our Work Continues
********************************************************************* SCIENTIFIC MEETING: Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 8:00 PM: Jonathan Sklar, M.D. PSYCHOANALYSIS, ANALYTIC INSTITUTES AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE EUROPEAN UNCONSCIOUS

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XII. Unbehagen Clinical Study Days

To obtain the Unbehagen Clinical Study Days flyer
please go to

XIII. Advances in Understanding and Treating Depression at MSSM
We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to attend our inaugural Innovations in Psychiatry Symposium entitled ***Advances in Understanding and Treating Depression.*** It is on Friday, February 1st from 8:30am to 5:00pm in Goldwurm Auditorium. The brochure and registration form are below. As you may know, the program features presentations by Mount Sinai experts such as Dean Dennis Charney and Dr. Eric Nestler as well as distinguished faculty from other leading institutions***Drs. Maurizio Fava (MGH), Andrew Krystal (Duke), and Carlos Zarate (NIMH). ***

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XIV. What is the Psychoanalytic Cure?

A Course at The Psychoanalysis Los Angeles Extension website posted on January 4, 2013.

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B. In the ART Category:

XV. Neuroscience & Art: Margaret Livingstone Explains How Artists Take Advantage Of Human Visual Processing

on the Huffington Post website on January 07, 2013.

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C. In the AUDIO/VIDEO Category:

XVI. Notes on the Theory of Technique Paper Presentation by Arnold Richards and Arlene Kramer Richards

To view: Arnold D. Richards and Arlene Kramer Richards at the 47th Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association, in Mexico City (2009): ***Notes on the Theory of Technique and its Consequences for Technique.***

please go to

D. In the BOOKS Category:

XVII. APsaA Meeting Specials from IPBooks

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XVIII. Goce Smilevski***s ***Freud***s Sister***

A newly translated novel by Macedonian writer Goce Smilevski retraces the negligence of the great psychoanalyst that led up to the death of his sister in a Nazi concentration camp by Lauren Elkin on The Daily Beast Website on January 11, 2013.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XIX. Superhero graphic novels from DC and Marvel: Symbols and avatars, not images and people

By Adam Haig on the World Socialist Web Site on January 9, 2013.
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XX. Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves by Nathan Szajnberg

An Adolescent***s Developmental System for the Undead and Their Ambivalent Dependence on the Living and Technical Implications Nathan Moses Szajnberg, MD

This article is in the recent issue of Psychoanalytic Review. to read it, click on the link at the end of the abstract

N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor.


While vampires haunt contemporary American pop culture, the undead have …
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XXI. Psychoanalytic Criticism

by Elizabeth Wright on the Scribed website.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXII. Review of Women***s Bodies in Psychoanalysis by Rosemary Balsam
Reviewed by Lynne Zeavin.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXIII. Rock ***n*** Remembrance

Rock ***n*** Remembrance Author Lily Brett explores everything from Hendrix to the Holocaust in a thinly veiled autobiographical novel By Vox Tablet on the Tablet website on December 31, 2012.

Lily Brett and Cliff Richard in London, 1967.(Colin Beard; courtesy Lily Brett)
To read and listen please go to _________________________________________________________________________


XXIV. Health Care and Profits, a Poor Mix

By Eduardo Porter in The New York Times on January 8, 2013.
An exam room at Denver Health, a large public hospital. Studies show an advantage in care at nonprofit hospitals.

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XXV. Investing In Psychological Well-Being Pays Off With Income Gains
by Todd Essig on the Forbes Magazine website on January 7, 2013.

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F. In the CHINA Category:
XXVI. Advancing Economic Reforms – China***s leaders set the tone for 2013 By Lan Xinzhen on the website on December 24, 2013.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXVII. Winterland: Strange Days At Harbin, China***s Famous Ice And Snow Festival

by Michael Wolman on the Huffington Post website on January 5, 2013.
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G. In the EDITORIALS Category:

XXVIII. The Psychology Behind Mass Shootings

by Peter Michaelson for BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT on December 29, 2012.
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H. In the GENERAL NEWS Category:

XXIX. The helplessness we feel as infants can become a great gift to us as adults

Finding strength in weakness is how St Paul understood the human condition. It***s a surprisingly Freudian agenda by Giles Fraser in the The Guardian, on January 11, 2013.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXX. Is Distance Treatment the Wave of the Future?

By Christy Matta, MA on the World of Psychology website on
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXXI. Generation LGBTQIA

By Michael Schulman in The New York Times on January 9, 2013.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXXII. Feeling Bullied by Parents About Weight

By Harriet Brown in The New York Times on January 9, 2013.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXXIII. Campers at Camp Shane in Ferndale, N.Y., one of two camps for overweight children that participated in a study published in Pediatrics.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXXIV. Do the Brain Benefits of Exercise Last?

By Grethcen Reynolds in The New York Times on July 9, 2013.
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XXXV. Study Questions Effectiveness of Therapy for Suicidal Teenagers
By Benedict Carey in The New York Times on January 8, 2013.
Matt Nock, a professor of psychology at Harvard and the lead author of a study on the mental health treatment of troubled young people, said his research showed that ***we***ve got a long way to go to do this right.*** The study found that 55 percent of adolescents who plan or attempt suicide have already received some therapy.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXXVI. If Medications Don***t Work, Why Do I Prescribe Them Anyway?
by Steve Balt, MD on the Carlat Psychiatry blog.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXXVII. Keeping Guns Away From Children

by Jane E. Brody in The New York Times on January 7, 2013.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XXXVIII.Psychiatric Records Helps Care

by Nicholas Bakalar in The New York Times on January 7, 2013,.
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XXXIX. The Obesity Paradox

Is There an Ideal Weight for Health? Can that ***lean and hungry look*** actually be detrimental to your life expectancy? by Sylvia R. Karasu, M.D. in The Gravity of Weight blog on the Psychology Today Blogs website on

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XL. More Guns = More Killing

by Elisabeth Rosenthal in The New York Times on January 5, 2013.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XLI. Can Forgiveness Play a Role in Criminal Justice?

By Paul Tullis in The New York Times on January 4, 2013.

Conor McBride, who was convicted of shooting his girlfriend of three years when they were both 19.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XLII. Das Unbehagen

A group of mostly early career psychoanalysts and students interested in the field meet in New York to discuss the current state of psychoanalytic formation and to form a new association called Unbehagen By David Lichtenstein in the American Psychological Association Division 39 Newsletter, July 2012 issue.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

I. In the MOVIES Category:

XLIII. Lust, Caution, Movie Review by Anita Weinreb Katz
Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Lust, Caution A film directed by Ang Lie Reviewed by Anita Weinreb Katz.
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XLIV. Psycho analysis

Psycho analysis: Read later Creative licence runs wild in this pseudo-history of the great director, writes Paul Byrnes in the Sydney Morning Herald on January 12, 2013.

The wrong man *** Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock, with Helen Mirren, as his wife Alma, and Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XLV. Where Pills and Crime Collide Antidepressants Give Soderbergh a Thriller***s Plot

By Michael Cieply in The New York Times on January 9, 2013.
Barry Wetcher/Open Road Films
Rooney Mara plays a depressed wife waiting for her husband to return from jail in ***Side Effects.***

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XLVI. Review of ***La Ceremonie,*** Reviewed by Anita Weinreb Katz
directed by Chabrol, Reviewed by Anita Weinreb Katz.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XLVII. The Son***s Room, reviewed by Selma Duckler

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

XLVIII. Review of Charlie Chaplin in Hebrew
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************ **** **************** ********** **** *********** *************, ******** ****************** ********** ************ **** ******** ******** ********** ************** **** ******** ************** ********** ************ 05.01.2013

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XLIX. Review of Quentin Tarantino***s Django Unchained

Reviewed By David Walsh on The World Socialist website on January 5, 2013.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

J. In the MUSIC Category:

L. The Jim Hall Quartet: Live at Birdland

By Victor Verney on the All About Jazz Website on January 9, 2013.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

K. IN the PAPERS Category:

LI. The Mirror and the Mask***On Narcissism and Psychoanalytic Growth
Philip M. Bromberg, Ph.D.

This article originally appeared as Bromberg, Philip M. (1983). The Mirror and the Mask***On Narcissism and Psychoanalytic Growth. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 19:359-387 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.

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LII. Psychoanalysis by Ellen Pinsky

from the Three Penny Review.

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L. In the PLAYS Category:

LIII. Dr. Ruth and Sigmund Freud (FULL INTERVIEW)

from Dr. Ruth***s Youtube channel on January 4, 2012.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer sits down with Sigmund Freud (Played by Martin Rayner of ***Freud***s Last Session***) to discuss his life***s work and whether he***d change his views if he were still alive today.
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M. In the POETRY Category”

LIV. Poetry Monday: Jim Kelleher

POETRY MONDAY: January 7, 2013

Happy New Year, everyone! We***re beginning the year with something unusual *** parts of a drama in verse, which can be read either as a novel or performed as a play. I do hope we have the opportunity in the near future to see it performed, because it***s quite wonderful. …
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N. In the SCIENCE NEWS Category:

LV. Darwin Was Wrong About Dating

by Dan Slater in The New York Times on January 12. 2013.

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

LVI. A Big Brainstorm on the Horizon

by Ivan Semeniuk in the Globe and Mail on January 11, 2013.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

LVII. Milk of Human Kindness Also Found in Bonobos

By Sindya N. Bandoo in the New York Times on January 7, 2013.
To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

LVIII. Babies Seem to Pick Up Language in Utero

By Nicholas Bakalar in The New York Times on January 7, 2013,
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LIX. Antidepressants Not Linked to Stillbirths

By Nicholas Balakar in The New York Times on January 7, 2013,
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O. In the UNCATEGORIZED Category:

LX. Haiti: Child Rape; an Analyst***s Interventions, Part 1, by Gil Kliman
***Haiti: Child Rape; an Analyst***s Interventions***

Gil Kliman, MD, a child analyst based in San Francisco who trained at NYPSI, has been working with Haitian colleagues since September 2012 to combat the prevalence of child rape in the tent camps that have existed since Haiti***s earthquake.

***Nathan Szajnberg, M.D., Managing Editor

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

LXI. HAITI CHILD RAPE PREVENTION PROJECT Medical Director***s Log January 9, 2013

We started our child-rape prevention project in Haitii September 2012, at the invitation of Frandy Daniel, PhD, a Haitian psychologist who reached out from a tiny Haitian nonprofit called UNEV to our tiny San Francisconon profit agency. He did so because of our agency***s Creole language guided activity ***

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LXII. The Moment of Practice: Embodying Psychoanalysis Between Consulting Room and Seminar Room at CSGS NYU

To read more please go to __________________________________________________________________

This lengthy list will take you a while to go through, so please chose the post of interest to you. We are anxious to receive your comments on the website. Please contribute – both your thoughts and also donation to the website if you can. Thank you.

Respectfully submitted by

Sasha Rolde




Obituary: J.-B. Pontalis est mort


Nouvelle publication:

"Un héritage traumatique ne se met à parler que déplacé dans le temps et l’espace culturel"

de Janine Altounian










(source: N-PSA newsletter)



The format of the congress will include keynote presentations from internationally renowned experts as well as panel discussions, focused symposia and interactive debates.

The congress is aimed at professionals working with all aspects of mind/brain disorders and development. Neuropsychoanalysis contributes to understanding the mind/brain interface. But what are the practical implications of this understanding for our clinical work, as psychoanalysts and therapists or as neuropsychologists and psychiatrists? Set in the beautiful grounds of the University of Cape Town, this congress will address that question. Come learn about the implications of neuropsychoanalytic research for such diverse clinical topics as conversion disorders, depression, addiction, epilepsy, dementia and focal neuropsychological syndromes (e.g., confabulation). Find out also about the clinical implications of neuropsychoanalysis for conventional psychoanalytic therapy.

The Educational Day and the Congress will be CME/CPD accredited.

EDUCATIONAL DAY: Thursday 22 August

CONGRESS: Thursday 22 (from 4 pm) to Sunday 25 August (morning only)

Our reception will be opened by ARCHBISHOP DESMOND TUTU on Thursday 22 August; the optional dinner, at the award-winning Solms-Delta vineyards, will be on Friday 23. We have booked a wide range of hotel rooms (and guesthouse and backpacker rooms) close to the congress venue, UCT's downtown Hiddingh Campus, at unbeatable prices. Find out more on the website.


You are invited to submit abstracts for research presentation, symposia and posters which integrate psychoanalysis and neuroscience. Find out more on the website.

Abstracts are due by 4 February 2013






 Best wishes for 2013!

Les meilleurs voeux !

Buon 2013!












Copyright © 2007-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013  Editor-in-Chief: Giuseppe Leo All Rights Reserved  : "Thalassa. Portolano of Psychoanalysis" is a production of " "Edizioni Frenis Zero"  (Ce.Psi.Di.: via Lombardia, 18- 73100 Lecce- Italia- tel. (0039)3386129995